Monday, May 5, 2014

A walk through Lodi Gardens

It is undoubtedly true that Delhi is a polluted, dusty city. But what I was surprised to find out is that Delhi is also quite a green city. (Actually, I shudder to think of what the pollution situation would be like if there weren't so many parks around).  Despite the congestion clogging up Delhi's roads and neighborhoods, there are actually lots of green places that an intrepid explorer, willing to brave the 102 degree midday heat, can go to walk around.

The undoubtedly king of all of Delhi's parks is Lodi Gardens which I explored last Sunday. What's cool about all Delhi generally, and really cool about Lodi Gardens in particular is that you'll just be walking along and then poof! An amazingly well preserved 600-year old building will just appear, like a mirage in the heat.
 Tomb on a hill.

 View from inside of the tomb ceiling. Them Mughals really knew how to decorate!

 Arabic lettering on an architectural detail inside a ruined mosque.

An added cool feature of Lodi Gardens? The garbage cans!

Another interesting feature that I've noticed about Delhi green spaces is that they are filled with lovers. Lovers talking, lovers eating, lovers kissing, lovers um, loving. Because young Indians tend to live with their extended families until they are married (or even after), if they want to go anywhere to be alone with their sweetheart it pretty much needs to be not in their house. And so, many of these young pairs gravitate to the romantic, and secluded corners of parks and old monuments. It actually can make it a bit awkward to be a tourist because I'll be walking along some old tomb, camera in hand, when I stumble across some couple making out in a doorway. And, I'm pretty sure that most of these unions are illicit, considering how frowned upon premarital anything is in India and the looks of total alarm that are shot my way when I come across a rendez-vous.

Still, there is something quite nice about walking in a beautiful garden with gorgeous ruins, surrounded by lovers . . .

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