Friday, August 1, 2014

Lunch: the Dosa vendor

I usually get a tiffin delivery for lunch, which is a lunch box containing (a) some form of bean stew (though the starring bean itself changes), (b) a stewed-vegetable based entry, (c) 4 roti and (d) a few cucumber slices. (Check out my previous posts for pictures). This lunch is pretty healthy and super cheap (only USD $1!) and has the added bonus of being delivered to my desk so I don't have to leave the sanctuary of my office's AC.

But now that the weather is cooling off a bit--yesterday it dropped to the mid 90s--I've taken the opportunity to broaden my lunch time options and right now am favoring the paneer or mixed vegetable dosa that I get from the local dosa vendor.

This is him making last Friday's lunch:

I should really have also taken pictures of the final dosa product (So crispy! So much well-spiced filling!) to show you guys but it was so delicious I just gobbled it down immediately. (It's also really cheap--about $1).  I've eaten his dosas a few times and have never gotten sick which is always a concern when eating street food. (Though again, let me take a moment to thank my miraculous stomach which has seen me through a total of 5.5 months in India without disturbance). The only thing about dosa man's food practice that has me raising a slight eyebrow is that I assume he buys his paneer (Indian cheese) from the paneer vendor who is set up 3 feet away from him--and I have a deep suspicion about buying street cheese. But, hey, I guess the proof is in the not-getting-me-sick pudding, eh?

[Street cheese--I am suspicious]

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