Sunday, October 19, 2014

It takes a village

Ok, here's what's going on in the above photo. Three young women got on my train and spotted a very cute baby. They then proceeded to relieve the tired-looking mother of said baby for an impromptu photo shoot with adorable accessory. (Adorable accessory himself was less than impressed).

Then, each of the young women took turns walking the adorable baby up and down the train car, with all riders smiling them on. (At one point, when the baby almost fell over, there was an audible gasp from the train car). They then returned baby to its rightful owner.

I post about this event not because it is hilarious--which it is--but because this is actually not an uncommon occurrence in Delhi's "Women only" train cars. In fact I would say that a good 25% of the trips I've been on are characterized by the temporary theft of someone or another's baby.

I guess it takes a village....

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