Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Has India turned me into a hippie?

Evidence for Kate now being a hippie:
·         I do yoga by myself in my room about 3 times a week. This is because it is cheaper, more convenient and doesn’t require my putting on pants.
·         I have started making my own muesli to eat for breakfast every morning. This requires me to bake oats. Yes, I am now baking oats weekly.
·         The amount of long skirts in my wardrobe has increased by about 700% in the last 10 months.
·         I basically eat like a vegetarian.
·         Sometimes I meditate.
·         The natural tendency of my hair is towards dreadlocks.
·         The frigidity of my bathroom means that showers are getting shorter in duration and longer in non-showering intervals. (This does not help the aforementioned hair’s tendency towards dreadlocks).
Evidence for Kate not being a hippie:
·         I spend 9 hours in an office every day.
·         I wear shoes.
You be the judge.

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