I have a heavy karmic debt stemming from a past life. My
current life will be filled with hardship, but I’m a survivor. I’m also very
stubborn and very loyal. I am attracted to the number 4, but because this
number carries its own karmic baggage, I’d be well-advised to stay away from
people, places and things baring this number.
Not all birthdates are so tainted. Another friend who was born on the 1st of the month is proclaimed to be a natural leader. Those born on dates that add up to 4 do have some karmic payoffs to make, but by and large can sail through life unconcerned with past murders.
I asked my friend if there was any good news associated with my birth date. He says, “Oh sure. See that #1 over there? Yeah, maybe she’s a born leader but when the going gets tough she might not make it through. You, on the other hand, are like the energizer bunny. You just keep trekking!”
I answer, “239.”
My friend does the math: 2 + 3 + 9 = 14. Then, 1+ 4 = 5. He says, “So you grew up in a 5 building. Very clever of your parents to keep you away from any number 8. No wonder you’ve had a nice childhood. Just be sure to stay away from living in any 8-marked place going forward.”
Yep, will do.
At least so says a friend of mine, who is an active believer
in the power of astrology and numerology. Where did he get the above
personality description? Well, it stems from the fact that I was born on May
17. May means that I’m a Taurus, the earth sign whose defining characteristics
are intractability and loyalty. 1 + 7 = 8, and persons who were born on days
adding up to 8 are karmically dammed. Well, maybe not dammed per se, but apparently we have some
pretty epic shit to make up for in a past life. “Like, you may have killed
someone in a past life,” says my friend.
Not all birthdates are so tainted. Another friend who was born on the 1st of the month is proclaimed to be a natural leader. Those born on dates that add up to 4 do have some karmic payoffs to make, but by and large can sail through life unconcerned with past murders.
I asked my friend if there was any good news associated with my birth date. He says, “Oh sure. See that #1 over there? Yeah, maybe she’s a born leader but when the going gets tough she might not make it through. You, on the other hand, are like the energizer bunny. You just keep trekking!”
I pointed out to my friend that, actually, my life so far
has not really be filled with hardships. Born to a loving and supportive
family, constantly surrounded by amazing friends, healthy and remarkably
good-looking. Why, some might even say I’ve lived quite a charmed existence.
My friend scratched his head, “What was building number
where you grew up?”
My friend does the math: 2 + 3 + 9 = 14. Then, 1+ 4 = 5. He says, “So you grew up in a 5 building. Very clever of your parents to keep you away from any number 8. No wonder you’ve had a nice childhood. Just be sure to stay away from living in any 8-marked place going forward.”
Yep, will do.
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