Friday, April 10, 2015

Karmically dammed

I have a heavy karmic debt stemming from a past life. My current life will be filled with hardship, but I’m a survivor. I’m also very stubborn and very loyal. I am attracted to the number 4, but because this number carries its own karmic baggage, I’d be well-advised to stay away from people, places and things baring this number.

At least so says a friend of mine, who is an active believer in the power of astrology and numerology. Where did he get the above personality description? Well, it stems from the fact that I was born on May 17. May means that I’m a Taurus, the earth sign whose defining characteristics are intractability and loyalty. 1 + 7 = 8, and persons who were born on days adding up to 8 are karmically dammed. Well, maybe not dammed per se, but apparently we have some pretty epic shit to make up for in a past life. “Like, you may have killed someone in a past life,” says my friend.

Not all birthdates are so tainted. Another friend who was born on the 1st of the month is proclaimed to be a natural leader. Those born on dates that add up to 4 do have some karmic payoffs to make, but by and large can sail through life unconcerned with past murders.
I asked my friend if there was any good news associated with my birth date. He says, “Oh sure. See that #1 over there? Yeah, maybe she’s a born leader but when the going gets tough she might not make it through. You, on the other hand, are like the energizer bunny. You just keep trekking!”

I pointed out to my friend that, actually, my life so far has not really be filled with hardships. Born to a loving and supportive family, constantly surrounded by amazing friends, healthy and remarkably good-looking. Why, some might even say I’ve lived quite a charmed existence.

My friend scratched his head, “What was building number where you grew up?”

 I answer, “239.”
My friend does the math: 2 + 3 + 9 = 14. Then, 1+ 4 = 5. He says, “So you grew up in a 5 building. Very clever of your parents to keep you away from any number 8. No wonder you’ve had a nice childhood. Just be sure to stay away from living in any 8-marked place going forward.”

Yep, will do.

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