Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Dogs in sweaters

About 3 weeks ago, when the weather dropped below 70 degrees for the first time I began to notice a very strange phenomenon amongst the dogs in Delhi--all of a sudden the dogs were sporting coats.

Some of the dogs had on proper dog coats, as you see below....

... but many others were simply clad in a small-sized human sweater, which is very cute and very silly looking.

Strangely enough, it wasn't just the pets that were wearing coats, but even some of the well-known street dogs around the way were modeling winter garments (bolstering my theory that the street dogs are semi-looked after by the people who live/work on the streets, such as street guards, vegetable wallahs, etc.)

I find this hilarious because actually--it's not that cold here. Like, these dogs were prancing around in coats when it was in the mid-60s. What wimps!

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