Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Worst Sandwich in the World

I've just eaten the worst chicken sandwich in the world.

This is particularly ironic, because my coworkers have been talking up this sandwich joint for weeks--and it gets a 4.5 star rating (out of 5 stars) on India's version of yelp. (It's hard to get a 4.5 rating, btw--most places don't get above 4.) I even asked my colleagues to recommend to me the best sandwich available at this place, and they recommend this one.

I might also note that this cost 25% more than my delicious daily lunches, which come with a yummy vegetable dish, a well-spiced bean dish, and an abundance of rice and fresh roti.

It was served with a packet of ketchup.

Behold the sandwich!

There's a lot of things that India does well, but sandwiches aren't one of them.