Tuesday, March 10, 2015

So, I've been back in Delhi for about 36 hours now...

And already the following has occurred:

My colleague reports having seen a sword fight just outside the office. More like a sword attack, actually, since only one member of the "fight" happened to be carrying a piece. (And, of course, by piece, I mean old-school, larger-than-life, medieval style weaponry). Apparently, Mr. Sword Slasher was ticked off that Mr. Unarmed dared to interfere in a "domestic matter". Mr. Unarmed retreated soon after being slashed ("A mere flesh wound," reports my colleague), whereupon the women of the neighborhood began to verbally berate Mr. Sword Slasher. It doesn't sound like the police ever got involved because, TII (which stands for, This Is India).

After a pristine year of eating whatever foods of questionable hygienic standards I wanted, I have finally been food poisoned. It was bad--I was throwing up every half hour almost on the dot for 6 hours. And the shame of it all is that I hadn't eaten anything for the previous breakfast or dinner  that I hadn't cooked myself.  Somehow I did this to myself!!! Clearly, my stomach can handle anything the mean streets of India or Sri Lanka can throw at it...but not my own cooking. I may never cook again, but will subsist on greasy, buggy street foods for the reminder of my time here--just to be safe.

I have new roommates! Sadly, my former British roommate ended up leaving India permanently in quite a sudden manner--literally, I got a text from him en route to the airport saying that he wasn't coming back to India (for very valid reasons, mind you)--so my German roommate and I had been looking for someone new to move in. Fortunately, some friends of ours were looking for a room, so a lovely Indian-German couple has moved in. (I must say, I'm particularly happy to be living with an Indian guy who can now explain to me what all of those randos who ring the doorbell on a Sunday morning, but don't speak English, want.)

It's been an eventful day and a half. Let's see what else March has in store . . .

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