Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my my faithful readers! I sure you're all wondering what I did this Thanksgiving... well, I'll give you four guesses:

a. Worked all day.

b. Took a moment to remember everything in my pretty awesome life that I'm thankful for, including the fact that I didn't get stuck at Penn station waiting on train cancelled due to snow storms.

c. Ate a delicious Ethiopian meal at the Ethiopian Embassy in Delhi (pictured above) with a bunch of French and German friends.

d. All of the above.

Of course, (d). What can I say? Even without turkey or pumpkin pie (mmmm, pie) Thanksgiving can be pretty awesome. I can't wait to see what Christmas in Delhi is like!


  1. That's awesome! How'd you swing the embassy invite!

  2. Well, the Ethiopian Cultural Center (which hosts the restaurant) is part of the embassy. You need to be a member to get in, which one of the dinner attendees was.
