Tuesday, January 27, 2015

If anyone can explain to me what's going on here, I would love to know.

I passed this totally random parade thing in my neighborhood last week and cannot figure out what was going on. First there were a bunch of super old dudes riding all white horses, also wearing what appeared to be real swords. 

Then there was this clan of blue-turbaned men who were marching bare-foot. (Ewwwwww).

After the blue man group came these ladies, who were all sweeping the road for what was to come next...

More blue-turbaned fellows, but this time all wearing orange and sporting some impressive facial hair (not surprising, as this is seems to be a parade of Sikhs, who aren't allowed to cut their hair).

And finally, along came this enormous orange-flowered covered truck. 

So, any ideas what I was witnessing? It must be a Sikh festival of some kind, but more than that I cannot fathom.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, hi! I just came across your blog (I was searching for articles on jilling estate and I tumbled upon your blog) and have been reading it for the past 30 minutes or so. For starters, interesting observations :') now, these Sikh men in blue and saffron are the nihangs. They are the warrior Sikhs.
