Friday, January 23, 2015

Looking homewards....

Apologies, faithful readers, I know that I’ve been quite remiss about posting regularly. The thing is, see, instead of spending my evenings writing blog posts I’ve been busy applying for jobs back in the USA. I’ve been in India for about 10 months now and, knowing how long the job hunt process is, I’ve decided I’d better get a move on.

It’s interesting to reflect that I’ve been in Delhi for so long, but I still feel like I’ve just scratched the surface of this country. Actually, forget the whole country—I’ve just scratched the surface of this incredible city. In addition to the many recognized tourist attractions I still have yet to visit here I find that I discover something new and fascinating pretty much any time I walk or rickshaw through a new portion of Delhi. Below, for example, are just some of the many random things I have stumbled upon in the past few weeks.

Women, covered in paint, taking a bow. 

Horses, charging out of a temple, just outside of a crowded metro station.

 Girl, sitting on a tight rope, with a wheel and a stack of bowls on her head.

A scene straight from Hitchcock's The Birds. These are all birds of prey (Hawks? Kites?) circling over a poor Muslim part of town, searching for meat.

Truly, I could stay in Delhi for another 10 years and still probably feel like this city has so much more to reveal to me (though, if I were going to be here for that long I’d definitely want to invest in an air purifier and Hindi lessons). But it’s also true that living here can be draining at times; constantly having to watch where I’m walking for fear of crazy potholes or drunken autowallahs; pre-planning transportation routes to and from home after dark; difficulty in finding delicious cheese other than pannier (not to smear paneer, mind you. I love panneer! Sauté it up with a little lime and salt—mwah! Delicious!)  And, of course, I miss my boyfriend, my family and my friends.

Point being, although I feel that I have not yet uncovered the mysteries of this city, I’m beginning to glance homewards again…which means I’m blogging less and applying for jobs more. Apologies for the decreased volume of posts—I hope you all understand.

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