Tuesday, August 5, 2014

India Habitat Center

I've just discovered the India Habitat Center, which is basically the cultural center for Indian art, music, dance, etc. Why did it take so long for an intrepid tourist like myself to discover the Habitat Center, you ask? Well, because who except for old grannies actually goes to a cultural center for evening fun? (Seriously, think about it. If you're under the age of 60, when was the last time you set foot in a cultural center?)

But, let me tell you, I've been missing out. Because the Indian Habitat Center is like no lame-o cultural center I've been to before. For starters, it's HUGE--the thing damn near takes up a full block--and it's beautifully designed. It also has lovely little fishing ponds and grassy lawns and shaded terraces throughout. Moreover, it's just chock full of cafes and restaurants--included the much touted "American Diner".

I know, I know, it's a bit weird for the Indian cultural center to flaunt an American Diner, right? But it if makes you feel better, despite the 1950s decor, eating at the American Diner is still a very Indian experience. For example, it still takes the waiters an hour to bring you your food--which is weirdly bland, because that's apparently what Indians think American food tastes like. (I'm also not entirely convinced that the beef in the burger was actually cow and not buffalo beef, which is what hamburgers here are usually made of, despite my waiter's assurances to the contrary. And if I can rant for just a minute re: the state of the hamburger bun in Delhi generally--not just at the American Diner--WTF, hamburger servers of Delhi--nobody likes a plan white hamburger bun with nothing happening! I mean for heavens sakes, you have to at least toast the thing! Otherwise it gets all soggy when it absorbs the ketchup, buffalo beef juices).

But I digress, the Indian Habitat Center was, by and large, lovely. But the best part about it is that you can attend all of these awesome FREE shows in a really nice and delightfully air-conditioned theater. Last Friday I went to a show of Sufi music, which was great.  Sufi music basically sounds like awesome trance music (by which I mean music that can put you in a trance and not like "house music"--cause that's only fun if there are glowsticks handy). The singer had this incredibly expressive warbling voice and punctuated the songs--which could go on for 20 minutes--which emphatic hand gestures.

I'm also a big fan of Indian instruments, possibly because they ignite the orientalist fetishizing Eastern exoticism that lies buried within me. Seriously, though, one stroke of the sitar and I'm imagining myself reclining on embroidered pillows with my harem of well-oiled men in MC-hammer pants prancing around me. 

Sadly, I couldn't understand any of the words to the songs, which are repeated over and over again, but my guess is the singer is probably saying something like "Oh Allah, you're the best. No, seriously the best." But you don't really need to understand to enjoy, I think.

So anyway, between the Sufi music concert and a dubiously beef dinner at the American Diner I would categorize my first trip to the Indian Habitat Center a success. Guess I know what I'll be doing for Friday nights from here on in; move over grannies--the cultural center has a new adherent!

1 comment:

  1. How about next time including some of the music. Can you do that in the blog?
