Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Evil eye

I noticed that my friend's baby was sporting some very cute black bracelets the other day and commented on the adorable adornment. My friend said, "Oh these? Yep, that's her protection against the evil eye. I mean, I don't believe in that stuff, of course, but my in-laws put them on her, and I just think the bracelets look cute."
Questions abounded. I've come across the concept of the evil eye in Turkey, but wasn't aware it was also a thing here in India.

My friend assured me it was. "You see all of those babies with the kohl on their eyes or a black charcoal spot on their face somewhere?" I had, in fact, noticed this phenomena of babies wearing pronounced eye make-up here (and have even commented on it in an earlier post). "Well," my friend said, "That's the baby's protection against the evil eye! We believe that if you have a beautiful baby people will get jealous and will curse you. But, if the baby is marred and marked with something black it offers protection from the evil eye curse--especially if the face is marked with black."
Ah ha!

My friend went on, "In fact, you remember how I had that tea party the other weekend where there were about 20 people over? Well, after the party was over my maid grabbed the baby and insisted on marking her to prevent any cursing. With so many older single, childless women over, she thought the baby was sure to be cursed!"
And suddenly I understand why everybody starts smearing charcoal on their children as soon as I arrive on the scene.

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