Monday, July 28, 2014

Barbeque Nation: Grilled meats and dancing waiters

India is the best country in the world to be a vegetarian because a large portion of the populace doesn't eat meat and restaurants are geared accordingly. Although I'm not a vegetarian I eat very little meat here because the veggie dishes are so tasty and I'm pretty suspicious of Indian meats if not cooked in a pristine setting. Having said that, every now and then a girl just gets a carnivorous hankering and last weekend, to satisfy mine, I went to Barbeque Nation with some colleagues.

Oh man, I had no idea what I was in for! My friends mentioned to me it was a three course meal but I somehow forgot about the other two courses once the waiters started bringing out the grilled meats. And the grilled veggies. And the grilled anything-you-can-put-on-a-skewer. Plus there were all of these sauces you could brush onto your grilled meats! Plus the waiters kept coming around with other kinds of tandoori meats which didn't fit on a skewer!

Having not eaten meat in quite a while I pretty much stuffed my face and had just loosened the belt a notch and was settling in to enjoy my well-deserved food coma when my friend was like "So, are we all done with the starter course and ready to move on to the mains?" I was all "Whaa?"

The main course, of course, consisted in a delicious all-you-can-eat buffet. I was obviously not at all hungry, but when someone points me at a tasty pot of butter chicken or korma mutton, who am I to say no? I'm sorry people, but I just don't have that kind of will power.

Now, halfway through the entree the lights suddenly darkened in the restaurant and out marched a grouping of waiters and chefs, led by the fully-suited manager of the restaurant. Bollywood music started blasting and, the assorted ensemble broke out into a perfectly choreographed performance.

Ok, as a dancer myself I can tell you that in a class of about an hour and a half, a trained dancer can probably learn about 30 seconds of choreography. These guys went on for the full length of the song (about 4 minutes) and were good. They seemed to be really enjoying themselves too--especially this one waiter in yellow near the back. (I was like "Get that man a ticket to Bollywood!") Afterwards we called our waiter over and asked him how they learned the choreography--he said they just liked to practice in breaks.

Well, color me impressed.

So, between the delicious meats and buffet and dancing it was a pretty awesome meal. But, I must admit that the deserts left something to be desired--as did the very bizarrely colored mocktails, which you can see below in the three flavors offered: strawberry, lychee, and opium seed. (Yep, the opium seed (green) one was mine. And, ew.)

Still, for a $10 meal, I was suitable dined and entertained. Yes, Barbeque Nation--I'll be back!

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