Saturday, May 24, 2014

Random things seen in Delhi

Seen at the entrance to a temple. What was that about worshiping a golden calf?

Seen ouside (yes, there was no roof or further walls here). I would love to go to one of these guys, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't know what to do with my hair

There are lots of shops that just specialize in stacking things. Like cardboard boxes . . .

or oil(?) canisters . . . .
or bangles!

Cloth and shoe merchants specialize in color and bling.

Mango vendors, from old to young (though I've seen older and younger)

Other than the spoons and, I think, rolling pins, I couldn't figure out what a single thing in this wood shop was for.

And this, just cause. I wish I'd gone down that alley . . .

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